You have owned a beauty salon for several years and you are having trouble getting younger customers. Or, you have just taken over the salon of a retired beautician and you have inherited an ageing clientele. Don’t panic, there are many marketing strategies that will allow you to effectively target younger prospects. We give you all our solutions right here.

Revisit your visual identity
The logo is without doubt the strongest element of your visual representation. Everything that makes it up can be made to look old-fashioned. The graphic style, the colours, the typefaces used convey a message, a state of dynamism and an era. Trends evolve and your logo will need a rejuvenation from time to time. At Yellow, our graphic designers can help you give your logo, and your visual identity in general, a facelift.
Make Social Networks your own
Social networks have become essential, especially for the youngest among us. It has become a necessity to be present on Facebook or Instagram if you want to address a younger target audience.
In addition to being present on the networks, it is also necessary to adapt your communication to reach them as much as possible. To do this, the ideal is to be interested in the habits of your target audience, to adopt their beliefs, to understand their motivations and to anticipate their expectations. Never hesitate to ask young people around you, young adults in your family, etc. Ask them what they like and what they like. Ask them what they like to see on their newsfeed, what products and brands they have liked or what content they have recently visited. The people around you are your best advice.
And if you are not convinced, our community management experts know exactly what kind of content to publish on your social networks. They will be able to advise you and set up the ideal editorial calendar to attract the maximum number of young people to your Facebook and Instagram pages.
Work with influencers
Influencer marketing works very well with young people. Product placements from personalities they like to follow on the networks work well on this target.
If you have the opportunity, work with local influencers. They will have a great audience and on top of that they will be more accessible than influencers with a national or even international community.
At Yellow, we know the influencers in the region well. We can help you connect with them. And to work with them.
Facebook and Insta ads
A simple and effective solution is to place ads on social networks. At Yellow, our digital marketers will be able to create ads on social networks and help you target the clientele you want to reach. Gender, age group, location, professional background, etc. We can set up any advertising campaign. And with the budget you want.